Great News! “To Protect and Preserve”, Historic Flat Rock’s Legecy to Keep” is an Official Selection of the TRYON International Film Festival 2022 October 7th-9th. We are delighted to share Part 1, “The Early Years” of our Feature Documentary with film enthusiasts and fellow filmmakers from around the world.
It is an honor to have been selected by this renowned Film Festival so close to home. To learn more about the screening of our film, please go to:
As filmmakers whose passion is archival, artful storytelling, the above trailer showcases how we create films about people, places and times.
The Film’s synopsis: In 1966, President LBJ signed The National Historic Preservation Act. Subsequently, Historic Flat Rock, Inc. was formed in 1968 by citizens to “Protect and Preserve” Flat Rock, North Carolina’s History. Our film opens in the lands of the Cherokee, followed by the Early Explorers, First Settlers, Rice Planters, Enslaved and Freedmen, impacting transgenerational descendant lives to this day. Historic Flat Rock has become the largest Historic District in the state of North Carolina, due to the efforts of HFR, Inc.’s historic preservationists, and its members. This film focuses on the work of this non-profit for use as an educational and inspirational tool for it’s members, the community, state and nation on the importance of protecting and preserving historic buildings, lands and culture for future generations.
In our film development process we research our subjects and deep dive into obtaining archival assets from repositories, libraries, museums and private collections in search of lost content, obcure photos, forgotten documents and film/video footage. Pairing these elements with interviews, B roll, drone and gimbal film shoots, we then design and weave all of these assets together into compelling multi-media films.
Finishing the process, we add narration, develop soundtracks, sound effects and custom graphics and illustrations. This work is highly engrossing and requires great energy and focus. Filmmaking is so rewarding when a documentary comes together as its own authentic voice to share, educate and inspire. Follow us on FB:

“To Protect and Preserve”, Historic Flat Rock’s Legacy to Keep.
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